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How to engage customers: 4 techniques to strengthen your customers' relationship with your brand

By Douglas da Silva

Last updated July 16, 2022

Customer engagement is characterised by all the actions through which they interact spontaneously with the brand, going beyond the mere purchase or use of its products and services. Engagement involves statements on social media, evaluating e-commerce products, participating in forums to help users of the brand, and even artistic productions in which the brand is used in some way, such as street graffiti, for example.

Now more than ever, keeping customers engaged is one of the main concerns of companies in different sectors and the way in which the brand interacts with its target audience has proved to be as important as offering quality products and services.

Strengthening the relationship with customers in this way will have a positive impact on the company’s results.

So what is customer engagement and why is it important to pay attention to this aspect of the business?

Additionally, we invite you to continue reading this article to check out 4 engagement techniques to use with your customers to keep them interested in your brand:

  1. Adopt an omnichannel strategy;

  2. Have a social media presence;

  3. Produce and share relevant content;

  4. Opt for simplicity in interactions.

What is customer engagement?

We can define customer engagement as the set of voluntary interactions between customers and the brand. Engagement has to do with the way the public relates and interacts with a particular company, going beyond just the consumption of its products and services.

That is brands that look for ways to engage customers to come up with strategies to strengthen the relationship with their audience and to get closer to consumers.

The aim is to create opportunities for interaction and to have customers identify with the company’s values.

Furthermore, when interacting with the brand, customers are generating spontaneous and free media that is highly authentic and, therefore, very powerful and engaging for other customers!

Report on customer experience trends

Advantages of customer engagement: why worry about this aspect of the business?

The biggest concern that brands have when it comes to engaging customers is related to a series of advantages that this type of strategy can offer.

Greater investment in engagement techniques is generally responsible for the increase in sales and profitability of a company. In addition to improving business results, another benefit of keeping customers engaged is consolidating the brand’s image on the market.

It is also worth noting that engaged customers become promoters of the brand, which reduces the costs of acquiring new customers.
In the digital environment especially, engaged customers tend to be more willing to share the brand with friends and followers and to receive news from the company.

How to engage customers: 4 engagement techniques to use in your company

Achieving customer engagement is no easy task. However, there are some techniques that can help you achieve this goal.

Here are 4 techniques to engage customers in your company.

1. Adopt an omnichannel strategy

If engagement is about interaction, it is important for you to offer different channels for your customers to interact and relate with your company.

However, besides just offering various channels (e-mail, telephone, chat, etc.), they must all operate in an integrated manner. This is referred to as an omnichannel strategy.

Learn the advantages the omnichannel strategy by watching this video:

2. Have a social media presence

You can’t effectively engage customers if your company does not have a strong presence on social networks. These spaces are great for generating engagement opportunities, sharing relevant content, and relating to your company’s audience.

3. Produce and share relevant content

Producing and sharing relevant content is also an important technique for generating engagement with customers. Talk about current topics that interest your audience.

Generate content that, when read, seen, heard, etc., really brings something new to the individual and that can be used to make their life easier and bring them closer to what they want.

4. Opt for simplicity in interactions

To generate good engagement with customers, especially in an online environment, try to promote simpler, clearer, and more direct interactions.

Complexity can generate friction, that is, difficulty interacting with the media. Use UX and design experience techniques. This way, your audience will feel more comfortable communicating with the brand.

So, now that you have learned more about customer engagement, put the techniques we mentioned here into practice to strengthen the relationship with your customers and to achieve better results!

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