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Sustainable shopping: Why retailers must go all in on green

According to researchers from the National Retail Federation, half of all shoppers will pay extra for…

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Top 5 CX challenges retailers are facing during the cost-of-living crisis

Many European retailers are investing in AI as a leading technology to make their customer service…

5 min read

3 consumer trends shaping grocery retail in 2023

Grocery lives in a world of retail unlike any other–there’s no getting away from the fact…

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3 ways AI integrations are shaping the future of retail

Companies that provide a more compelling retail experience enjoy up to 7 per cent higher sales…

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

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Why retailers need an endless aisle solution

Today’s shoppers insist on immediacy. They use their phones to get anything they want instantly, from…


5 strategies to ensure returns don't turn into a nightmare before Christmas

As peak shopping season fast approaches, how can retailers brace themselves for the returns avalanche and ensure it doesn’t impact their bottom line and customer service?

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