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Tools and templates

What are customer profiles? A complete guide, examples and free templates

Leverage data to build rich customer profiles so you can provide more relevant, personalised experiences.

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13 min read

What is a sales funnel? Strategies on how to create one (+ examples and templates)

A sales funnel is critical for understanding the path to purchase. Learn how it works and how to build one so you can increase conversions.

17 min read

12 effective sales email templates (+ writing tips)

Increase your chances of success with these sales email templates that cover every stage of the pipeline, from prospecting to closing.

18 min read

Cold calling scripts: 14 examples, templates, and tips

Cold calling scripts can help you get more leads and reach sales goals. Get tips on how to write effective scripts, and start crafting your own with our free templates that actually work.

14 min read

How to deal with angry customers: 17 tips, templates, and examples

Not sure what to say to calm down an angry customer? Here’s how to handle an irritated customer and ease tension across channels.

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

15 min read

7 cold email templates that skyrocket response rates

Getting a prospect to respond to a cold email isn’t always easy. Our template playbook can help with that.

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