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Chat and Messaging

How retail banks can create opportunities – when they find their voice

Having to live very differently over the past couple of years has turbo-charged our collective transition…

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6 min read

CRM in service is learning how to make conversations count

CRM in service is changing how we think, how we communicate with customers, and how we measure our success.

4 min read

Future-proofing your customer experience with asynchronous messaging

In a recent study commissioned by Zendesk, just 39% of customer service agents said they were…

3 min read

Why social messaging is the future of customer experience

Challenged on the highly detailed nature of her requests to someone who is serving her, Sally…

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

8 min read

How to use Facebook Messenger for customer service

Not all lockdown trends stick – if your sourdough expired weeks ago, you’re not alone. But…

2 min read

Agility in Action (1): Make it easy for your customers to help themselves and respond to customer preferences

In this first part of our ‘Agility in Action’ series we examine two aspects that have…

6 min read

The agile CX business: From tickets to conversations

A decade ago, the rise of social media pushed communications into the public sphere, incentivising businesses…

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