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Customer experience

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4 min read

How to put customer service first in uncertain times

We wanted 2022 to be the year of pandemic recovery. Instead, it’s become a year of…

5 min read

7 ways to create a great customer experience strategy

Why is customer experience management important? Companies that excel at customer experience have been shown to drive…

4 min read

How live commerce can break down customer-experience barriers

Learn how live commerce puts the power back in the brand's hands and improves the overall customer experience.

6 min read

Why CX teams need automated privacy tools

Learn how privacy workflow automation promotes stronger data security and increased efficiency for your CX team.

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

4 min read

How to win four years of expected digital growth in just two months

Despite the pandemic, predictions that the money-transfer sector would suffer massively were exaggerated. With far fewer…

4 min read

Building a customer-centric service model for IT services and tech firms

When done right, technology can help companies create great customer experiences. This is why 82% of…

7 min read

What is customer experience optimisation? (+3 actionable tips)

The tech landscape and consumer expectations are ever-changing, which means you’re never truly “finished” with customer experience optimisation. But a few tactics can help boost your efforts.

4 min read

Don’t forget payments in your 2023 customer service strategy

I tried to buy a gift for someone recently from the website of a top London…

4 min read

How CX will evolve in 2023 and beyond

We couldn’t possibly have predicted the changes that have taken place over the past couple of…

7 min read

Customer success vs. customer experience: what’s the difference?

Customer success vs. customer experience – what differentiates the two? Find out how they’re different and how they work together to improve the customer journey.

4 min read

Shaping the new customer service agenda in 2023

Much of the digital technology at our fingertips today was inconceivable 20 years ago. Some of…

7 min read

Using TikTok for customer service: 4 brand examples + takeaways

TikTok has catapulted from home dance routines to a medium for just about everything—including customer support. Take a look at how four prominent brands are using TikTok to boost their CX.

7 min read

Connecting your CX and marketing strategy

There’s more to a brand than its latest advertising campaign and tagline. It’s also how you…

6 min read

How to gently remind a potential customer

Don’t worry if it’s been a while since you’ve heard from a prospective client. A gentle…

4 min read

The challenges of modern CX in financial services

On 1 October JP Morgan launched its new digital retail bank in the UK. As one…

4 min read

How insurtech disruptors are teaching the industry a valuable lesson in customer experience

There’s nothing like living through a global pandemic to put insurance firmly front of mind. Capgemini’s…

4 min read

Rising above the average: Modernising CX in Financial Services

The Financial Services industry is a highly dynamic and challenging environment, as seen in part 1.…

3 min read

Why social messaging is the future of customer experience

Challenged on the highly detailed nature of her requests to someone who is serving her, Sally…

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