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6 min read

Dealing with abusive customers: 3 ways to have your team’s back

Learn how to tactfully handle abusive customers and help your team deal with conflict.

6 min read

Understanding customer lifecycle management

Businesses need to prioritise customer lifecycle management to both attract customers and retain them. Here’s how to get started with your own client lifecycle management programme.

7 min read

What customer first really means

Customer first means business success. Here's how.

6 min read

Using TikTok as an enterprise business

You might be an avid user of TikTok already, or perhaps your son, daughter, niece, or…

4 min read

Is customer service the new marketing?

Consumer trust in traditional marketing and advertising isn’t what it used to be. According to a…

5 min read

8 behaviours of a cohesive team

A cohesive team is at the core of any successful business. A cohesive team can be…

6 min read

How to use app integration effectively

Applications always grow out of a need, whether that’s a very specific tool that does a…

5 min read

3 ways healthtech startups are improving the patient experience

VC funding for healthtech startups is at an all-time high. Here's how industry leaders are rethinking the healthcare experience, from app visits to doctor visits.

3 min read

What is a ticketing system? (+3 ways companies use them)

Want to avoid getting overwhelmed by support tickets? Use ticketing systems to manage the influx and provide your customers with timely responses.

10 min read

Keep companies competitive with a data-driven sales approach

If you’re not tracking sales analytics, you are falling behind. Learn why sales analytics are crucial and how a CRM can change your trajectory.

19 min read

Sales prospecting 101: A beginner’s guide

A strong sales prospecting strategy is key to growing your audience and your bottom line.

7 min read

Chatbots vs. conversational AI: What’s the difference?

Chatbots and conversational AI are often used synonymously—but they shouldn’t be. Understand the differences before determining which technology is best for your customer service experience.

9 min read

How to use sales psychology to increase lead conversion rates

Sales is a mind game. You can’t expect to convert a lead into a customer if…

4 min read

2023: The year of customer service-led growth

While leaders navigate a constantly changing reality, they must keep thinking about how to drive their…

3 min read

EU-US data transfers after Schrems II

Here are the steps Zendesk is taking to enable cross-border transfers of personal data while adhering to EU privacy requirements.

7 min read

Using TikTok for customer service: 4 brand examples + takeaways

TikTok has catapulted from home dance routines to a medium for just about everything—including customer support. Take a look at how four prominent brands are using TikTok to boost their CX.

9 min read

What is sales velocity? Meaning, formula, and report

Understanding sales velocity enables your company to redefine its sales pipeline and process to increase lead conversion and revenue.

6 min read

What are customer touchpoints? Examples and how to identify them

Customer touchpoints shape how consumers view your brand. That’s why mapping the customer touchpoint journey is so important for your business and the customers you serve.

11 min read

Sales tactics that work: Tactical selling simplified

Blow past your quotas with sales tactics that work to build trusting relationships.

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