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Sales strategy

What is the buyer’s journey? Definition, stages, and examples

Gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s path to purchase so you can improve your sales and marketing efforts.

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8 min read

Value chain analysis how-to: Definition, examples and guide

Value chain analysis (VCA) allows you to increase your company’s profit margin through a deep-level understanding of its inner workings.

5 min read

What makes a great digital strategy?

Crafting a digital marketing strategy is essential for business success. You must think about more than…

10 min read

How to craft a foolproof go-to-market strategy (+ examples)

With a go-to-market strategy, you can turn your product concepts into tangible goods without chaos or confusion.

9 min read

How to use sales psychology to increase lead conversion rates

Sales is a mind game. You can’t expect to convert a lead into a customer if…

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

6 min read

How to create a compelling sales value proposition

Your sales value proposition is one of the most important tools in your arsenal when it…

9 min read

SaaS sales 101: a beginner’s guide to selling

The global software as a service (SaaS) market totalled £113 billion in 2020 — more than double what it was in 2015 and nearly 12 times its 2010 size.

10 min read

12 examples of positioning statements and how to write your own (free template)

Building a great product isn’t enough to stand out in the market.

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