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Financial Services/ Fintech

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4 min read

How retail banks can create opportunities – when they find their voice

Having to live very differently over the past couple of years has turbo-charged our collective transition…

4 min read

How to win four years of expected digital growth in just two months

Despite the pandemic, predictions that the money-transfer sector would suffer massively were exaggerated. With far fewer…

4 min read

Here's how a customer-centric approach can help traditional retail banks win back customer trust

While 2020 will certainly go down in history as the year that rocked our economic foundations,…

4 min read

The challenges of modern CX in financial services

On 1 October JP Morgan launched its new digital retail bank in the UK. As one…

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

4 min read

How insurtech disruptors are teaching the industry a valuable lesson in customer experience

There’s nothing like living through a global pandemic to put insurance firmly front of mind. Capgemini’s…

4 min read

Rising above the average: Modernising CX in Financial Services

The Financial Services industry is a highly dynamic and challenging environment, as seen in part 1.…

6 min read

Why customer service matters for fintech startups

Personal finance is so important to consumers that more than one third of Americans check their…

5 min read

How CX is critical for the new digital world of financial services

The adoption of mobile over the last 20 years has dramatically changed the face of financial…

4 min read

Transformation in the money transfer industry: The impact of customer expectations

Over the last ten years the money transfer industry has seen dramatic change. A decade ago,…

1 min read

Meeting the challenges of modern CX in financial services

Building positive, long-term customer relationships has always been important to business success, and the methods for…

7 min read

5 ways financial services are banking on conversational customer support

Financial services are leaning into modern conversational experiences to manage their customer relationships

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