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How the UK’s top 30 ecommerce retailers are taking online CX to the next level

Retailers across the UK have shown incredible flexibility and resilience when it came to investing in…

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5 min read

3 consumer trends shaping grocery retail in 2023

Grocery lives in a world of retail unlike any other–there’s no getting away from the fact…

5 min read

3 ways AI integrations are shaping the future of retail

Companies that provide a more compelling retail experience enjoy up to 7 per cent higher sales…

7 min read

Why retailers need a digital shelf strategy and tips on getting it right

It’s safe to say that online shopping has exploded. In 2021, online sales surpassed 5.2 trillion…

6 min read

How European retailers can ride out the economic storm

With winter just around the corner, most consumers in Europe are putting away their summer clothes,…

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

5 min read

Top 3 things retailers are missing in digital CX

How can retailers create personalised customer experiences online? And what do you need to know to keep up with your customer expectations? Get our top tips.


Future of fashion: stitching convenience with sustainability

To keep pace with customer expectations, the fashion industry is slowly but surely making its move towards sustainable practices. Read how weaving a focus on CX might just be the key to gaining customer trust.


5 strategies to ensure returns don't turn into a nightmare before Christmas

As peak shopping season fast approaches, how can retailers brace themselves for the returns avalanche and ensure it doesn’t impact their bottom line and customer service?

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