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How data is saving the watercooler chat

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to government restrictions that have abruptly and unexpectedly transformed the way…

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5 min read

The business imperative of supporting your people

            It’s no secret that the workplace has changed quite a bit over the past year.

15 min read

The reality of uncertainty: Tim Crawford on how CIOs are thinking about the ‘next normal’.

A few months in to what remains a very strange way of living, we know a little bit about how the virus operates, but far from enough.

11 min read

By 2035, analysts expect a primarily digital society.

"Digital is changing our entire social contract, the implicit understanding of what our society is based on," said Scott Smith, Director of Webinar Content for Gartner

9 min read

The future employee experience is personalized

I recently wrote a piece about sensory customer experiences for Relate where I imagined how software could create sensory work experiences that included music, visual environments and even aromatherapy

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

1 min read

How Zendesk helps HR teams with the employee experience

Consumers expect service to be seamless and omnichannel. No surprise, given the ubiquity of apps and…

1 min read

How Zendesk helps IT teams with the employee experience

Consumers expect service to be seamless and omnichannel. No surprise, given the ubiquity of apps and…

Guides and ebooks
5 min read

Customer service structure: how to build an effective support team

Structuring your customer service organisation requires rethinking how to best provide support, what people and skills you need and how you plan to organise it.

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