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European Perspectives

How companies can make the most out of Buy Now Pay Later services

This year, many European customers are eagerly waiting for Black Friday to finally purchase the items…

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6 min read

How European retailers can ride out the economic storm

With winter just around the corner, most consumers in Europe are putting away their summer clothes,…

6 min read

Reshaping your employees’ experience for a post-pandemic world

2020 has forced companies to keep a laser focus on serving the end customer better and…

4 min read

How can European ecommerce businesses thrive in post-pandemic times?

The meteor strike that was COVID-19 at the start of 2020 sent shockwaves across the retail…

6 min read

How companies can use data and analytics to accelerate growth

In today’s competitive retail environment, personalisation and CX need to go hand in hand. In order…

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

4 min read

How can European ecommerce businesses thrive in post-pandemic times?

The meteor strike that was COVID-19 at the start of 2020 sent shockwaves across the retail industry.

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