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Google Business Messages: 3 best practices for customer service teams

Meet customers where they are and build stronger connections with them through Google Business Messages.

By Emily Miels, Contributing Writer

Last updated November 4, 2021

Messaging has surged in popularity and become a go-to channel for many consumers since the COVID-19 pandemic. It looks like the trend is here to stay – 74% of customers who messaged with companies in 2020 plan to continue doing so.

Research also shows that 76% of consumers like to buy products using chat or messaging, and 72% are more likely to make a purchase online if they can ask questions in real-time. Google’s Business Messages enables buyers to do both.

By using Business Messages, companies can improve their bottom line, build relationships with customers and provide superior support to those using Google devices and platforms.

What is Google Business Messages?

Business Messages is a mobile conversational channel that allows Android users to contact companies across various Google entry points, including Google Search and Google Maps. The platform’s rich features and easy accessibility empower businesses to offer quick, efficient and personalised customer service experiences.

Similar to other rich messaging channels, Google’s Business Messages offers advanced features like high-quality videos and images, carousels, suggested replies and location sharing. Customers can ask questions, get support, make purchases and more – all directly through the platform.

Why use Google Business Messages for customer service?

Use Business Messages alongside other messaging apps to connect with more customers on their preferred platform in a safe, convenient way.

3 best practices for using Google Business Messages

Take advantage of the rich features and prioritise speed and security to see more engagement and success with Business Messages.

  1. Reply within 24 hours

    According to Google, quick responses “promote trust and encourage engagement with your business”.
    Bots are great for quick replies, but sometimes messages must escalate to a live agent. Whenever customer service agents need to get involved, they should reply to the customer’s enquiry within 24 hours with an update or a solution.
    Per Google’s guidelines for Business Messages, the platform may even deactivate the chat if you don’t respond within the appropriate time frame.
  2. Never ask for personal information via chat

    Avoid asking customers for sensitive information – like credit card numbers, social security numbers and passwords – over Google Business Messages. Keeping those details off the record improves safety during any messaging interaction.
    Instead, opt for secure back-end delegation (like OAuth, which we mentioned earlier) so agents can access the information they need while keeping it encrypted and secure.
    Make it clear to customers that it’s your policy to never directly ask for such private information. That way, they’ll be more likely to spot a suspicious interaction if one occurs.
  3. Incorporate Business Messages into a larger messaging strategy

    Google’s business chat is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, it’s a piece of the customer service puzzle.
    Use Business Messages alongside other messaging channels – such as Apple Business Chat, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp – so customers can connect with your company on the platforms they know and love. This helps you reach more buyers on the channel of their choice, which in turn increases satisfaction. In fact, the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report revealed that half of customers like contacting support on the channels they’re already using to communicate with their loved ones.
    Adding Business Messages to your arsenal also enables you to provide the type of modern, omnichannel experience consumers have come to expect while promoting an ongoing dialogue with your customers.

Start using Google Business Messages

It’s simple to get started with Business Messages. Work with a Google partner – like Zendesk – to register with Business Messages, enable the platform and optimise your programme. Take advantage of the various features to create connections that count and provide a top-notch support experience for customers.

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