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Your guide to omnichannel support

Last updated July 3, 2023

Your door is always open, regardless of your business or support hours. Today’s customers ask questions at any time of the day or night and wait for you to respond – but not for long. And the way customers contact you can vary, too. You choose the channels and from those, the customer selects what works best for them.

It sounds simple and yet so often, the customer experience is anything but.

It becomes incredibly frustrating when there are multiple means of contacting a business but you have to repeat yourself on different channels. In fact, that’s one reason why omnichannel support is more than just an industry buzzword. It’s the new standard. In a report by Loudhouse, 63% of respondents expect to have a choice of channels and a 50% expect their service rep to have access to previous interactions with the company. An omnichannel support strategy and solution allows you to offer multiple channels but also recognise your customer every time they walk through the door – any door – and provide a seamless customer experience.

An omnichannel solution not only brings all your channels together to end siloed conversations but also allows your team to reference the customer’s history. Beyond that, the transparency and centralised data gained from an omnichannel solution can also help you see the bigger picture of the support you provide. You can start finding efficiencies, improve productivity and satisfaction, and proactively look for ways to reduce the number of contacts that require a human touch.

Read our guide on omnichannel support to learn:

  • What omnichannel support entails

  • How an omnichannel strategy can benefit your business

  • The factors that drive channel preference

  • How to build an omnichannel strategy that considers each channel, and all channels, at the same time

Your guide to omnichannel support