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Content Cues: for agile and collaborative help content

By Brett Grossfeld

Last updated April 3, 2018

There are two things many support teams struggle with when it comes to knowledge management: knowing exactly what their customers need help with, and how they can keep their help content fresh.

Though it’s tough for them, it’s even tougher for customers. Nearly 81% of customers want to solve their problems on their own before reaching out to an agent, but 40% say that help center searches don’t generate the help they’re looking for.

It simply isn’t simple to manage a help center. Customer needs and expectations are changing at an unprecedented rate, and support teams have to consistently figure out how create content that connects with and thoroughly helps their customers.

The answer is to readily have insights into support content’s effectiveness and understand how customers are adapting to the changes in your products and services. That means your help center should be capable of being built-out by the knowledge of agents working on the front lines.

A big assist from AI

With help from artificial intelligence, a support team can spot self-service trends that individual agents might miss. Those insights can help them take a more agile approach to creating and optimising help content, as well as understand the knowledge gaps between their help articles and customers’ needs.

Here’s how: Content Cues leverages the same machine learning that powers Answer Bot to surface relevant insights from incoming Zendesk Support tickets. It then identifies the content that needs attention and suggests relevant actions to improve the help center. Those actions include updating article titles, adding new search labels, creating new content, and archiving older articles.

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Because Content Cues works as part of your ticket workflow, every insight is actionable and has an impact on your self-service performance. Here are a few things Content Cues can help support teams accomplish:

Utilise AI to improve your knowledge base

Your agents won’t catch every insight into what support content resonates with your customers. Content Cues surfaces insights into what topics are top of mind for your customers, and makes recommendations for building out a knowledge based based on their inquiries.

Optimise articles to be more relevant

Support content is rarely ever evergreen – it needs to be constantly reviewed and regularly updated to stay relevant for its audience. By using an agile approach enabled by Team Publishing, agents can contribute their knowledge to articles that are outdated or unhelpful.

Make your content more easily accessible

Content Cues extracts the frequently used words from support tickets and auto-populates search labels inside of your article. This, in turn, makes articles more easily searchable, which means customers can more easily find the self-service content they need.

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