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Big Brands CRM Case Studies 2022

Customer service is key and CRM makes it easy. Zendesk CRM case studies reveal how big brands are leveraging CRM software to drive growth and create amazing CX.

By Leighton Jacobs

Last updated May 15, 2023

Customer service is becoming increasingly important. Zendesk’s CX Trends Report 2022 revealed that 60 per cent of customers have higher customer service standards than last year. Rising to that challenge is no mean feat.

Fortunately, the right CRM software makes it easy to provide the quick, hassle-free, and effective service customers expect. This can help you build and maintain meaningful relationships, drive growth, and power your business to new heights.

Let’s look at how some of this year’s big brands are using CRM software to deliver amazing customer support and experiences. Everyone loves a success story. So, we hope you find these CRM case studies as inspiring as we do.


With more than 100 million guests globally, it’s no secret that Airbnb has changed the face of travelling for good. Founded in 2008, the company now has listings in 65,000 cities and 191 countries. But one staggering statistic sums up their success better than any other: it’s estimated that 1 in every 4 leisure travellers book a stay with Airbnb.

With so many guests and hosts to look after, Airbnb also handles an enormous number of queries every year. That’s why scalability, reliability, and 24/7 uptime were key factors in the company’s decision to opt for Zendesk. Airbnb recognised that Zendesk not only offered powerful features but would also be able to keep pace with its incredible growth.

Airbnb’s Global Customer Experience team uses Zendesk to help them provide real-time support over multiple channels. Every contact is recorded in Zendesk Support, which integrates with the company’s custom-built phone system and data warehouse. This powerful system allows them to answer the vast majority of support calls in less than a minute.

But that’s not all because Airbnb also uses Zendesk to analyse customer data for detailed insights. A 360-degree view of each customer helps the customer service team provide personalised support and improve the customer experience. What’s more, Zendesk works closely with Airbnb to ensure the functionality it needs—from integrating Zendesk with Airbnb’s own tools to developing new messaging apps that help customers and agents communicate directly.

“Having a partner who really understands our business, and how ambitious we are, is huge… Zendesk has been a good partner to us. They’ve constantly worked with us to make sure that Zendesk scales with Airbnb, which is no small feat.”Shirley Lin, Product Lead of the Support Products Group at Airbnb

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With more than a quarter of total market share, Tesco is comfortably the UK’s largest supermarket. But the grocery giant is also a global player with more than 450,000 employees around the world. Such a huge workforce means Tesco needs a nimble, flexible, and simple solution to improve its help desk experience.

Processing huge volumes of internal queries is never a walk in the park. Yet, Zendesk Support keeps Tesco’s help desk running smoothly despite handling more than 40,000 internal tickets each week. Tickets are automatically routed to the right place and around 79 per cent are resolved at the first attempt. Tesco also chose Zendesk Guide as its internal knowledge management and self-service solution. Analytics reveal that employees are now viewing a staggering 30,000 articles a week across all Help Centres.

On the back of the help desk’s success, many other teams have also rolled out instances of both Support and Guide. However, everything is still managed by a team of just eight people—that’s what we call lean. More recently, Tesco has also started using Zendesk to provide phone support, making sure calls are recorded and logged for future reference.

In short, Zendesk helps Tesco’s internal service desk achieve its aims, namely resolving queries quickly, painlessly, and cost-effectively. The team love Zendesk for its flexibility and customisation options but also that it also provides a consistent experience across the board.

“Zendesk allows us to treat our colleagues with as much care as we give our customers.”Adam Bruce, Lead Product Manager, Service Desk at Tesco

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