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An integration libation

By Andrew Gori

Last updated May 4, 2022

Zendesk plus some great new apps are a recipe for a great cocktail. Maybe not as good as an old fashioned…

Stella Connect

Stella Connect helps you capture agent-level performance insights that can help transform agent engagement and morale, reduce attrition across your front-line team, deliver in-the-moment micro coaching, drive more effective one-on-one meetings, and more. Stella Connect works by collecting agent-level feedback from customers after every service interaction. Humanised and gamified feedback requests delight customers and generate response rates of up to 50%, giving you unmatched visibility into agent performance. Customers can rate agents, leave comments about their experience, suggest rewards, or make recommendations for areas of improvement.

Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes provides the visibility and flexibility needed to properly highlight important information in a ticket for internal purposes. Allow agents to pin important ticket comments so they are not lost in long ticket threads. Any comment can be pinned, whether it be from a customer or agent. Write important notes in the sidebar of the ticket so they are always clearly visible to all agents accessing the ticket using a built in WYSIWYG. The notes can also be updated at any time by the agent.


Ringover is a cloud based phone system for your business. Directly access your client information and history when receiving a call thanks to RingOver’s automatic file retrieval. Glance through your caller’s latest ticket to provide tailored support. Automatically turn calls into tickets for easy record keeping, issue resolution at the end of the call, and more with this integration. Increase your customer service efficiency integrating your RingOver phone system with Zendesk.

Carbon Copier

Carbon Copier allows you to easily add end-users as CCs by requester or organisation. Carbon Copier creates a custom User field and a custom Organization field in your instance. Any email addresses added to those fields will get added as CCs on created tickets. Carbon Copier requires minimal setup and works out of the box.

Additional apps added in June

SnapCall Lite enables visitors of your website to call your agents with a single click directly from your website with a call button. Know who is calling and their digital journey before picking up the call with information like first name, last name, email address, shopping cart, GPS position. The full version of SnapCall includes automatic ticket creation.

Locator lets you see the location from where the ticket requester submitted the ticket. The location of the ticket requester is displayed neatly in a sidebar app on a map image with the requester’s local current time as well.

Ticket Scheduling let’s you schedule tickets in Zendesk by date and time on a calendar. The events are scheduled in UTC from the a calendar. You can create new events or schedule existing tickets as events. Events are shown on the calendar coloured by ticket status.

SurveyMonkey has released their own version of an app that lets you organize customers and contacts into lists, and send surveys to your target audience, all in Zendesk.

Harvestr is a product management software that lets you centralize customer feedback, prioritize features and communicate on your roadmap, all in one place. The Zendesk/Harvestr integration allows your support team to easily escalate tickets containing valuable customer feedback to the product team.

Loyally Broadsoft Call Control helps you connect your Broadsoft telephony system to Zendesk Support for an enhanced experience for your agents. Automatically search for customers and create tickets when answering calls, click-to-dial to contact customers, screen pop customer profiles, and more with this integration.

GDPR Personal data extraction helps you respond to users request to access their personal data according to the GDPR. With only one click, you can obtain all the Zendesk Support User’s information, as well as all the ticket details related to the chosen user in an easily printable/saveable format.

ipSCAPE Cloud CTI for Zendesk enables features like screen pop of incoming phone numbers, searching and opening of existing tickets, advanced field mapping for creating and updating records (call recordings, call duration, call transcript), automatic ticket creation on answer, and more.

The Memsource Connector for Zendesk can automatically import new content from your Help Center into Memsource for translation the moment it is added. Once translated, the content is automatically pushed back into Zendesk and added as a new published multilingual page.

Supportscribe Talk Transcription creates high-quality, accurate, and readable transcripts out of your call recordings. After your agents have a phone conversation a transcription of a recording of the conversation is added as an Internal Note to the ticket so that future agents referencing the same conversation can search and refer to the notes.

Telegram Channel from AssureSoft allows you to connect your company’s Telegram Bot to your Zendesk Support domain. Telegram Bots offer the ability to reach to your customers directly, and this Channel Integration helps you create and handle all Telegram messages in Zendesk as Support tickets.

Search and Trend issues by Cx MOMENTS helps you instantly find and trend Zendesk Support tickets that contain specific issues and even includes associated CSAT ratings. Discover how specific issues are trending, save and share your search results with other teams, export your results with 1 click to help analyse your operations.

Support Apps now available for Chat

BrightReps Sidekick enables customer support teams to build, download, and publish their process flows for reps to follow right from the Zendesk Chat window. Sidekick is your knowledge base of processes that is searchable and suggests workflows based on ticket criteria.

Agent Scripting by Zingtree allows your agents to have interactive, standardised scripts to follow. You can create your own custom scripts using the tools at, and the Agent Scripting App makes them appear in the sidebar in Zendesk Chat.

MaestroQA provides quality assurance and monitoring software. Improve customer satisfaction/NPS/CES, maintain consistent service across your agents, create a quality score KPI for agent, and drive employee learning and development using the tools that MaestroQA provides.

PlayVox Quality Assurance helps your team consistently improve your CX and CSAT by identifying issues, quickly changing behaviours by coaching, training, and motivating agents to perform better and delivering Perfect Customer Interactions.

Teamviewer is the No.1 solution for remote support and desktop sharing. With the updated TeamViewer app, you can now easily create a remote support session directly from your chat in Zendesk to Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile devices.

Visit the Zendesk Apps Marketplace to browse all our apps and integrations

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