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12 sales email templates for every stage of the sales pipeline

Level up your follow-up with these sales emails.

By Josh Bean, Director, Marketing

Last updated January 25, 2022

Sales email examples

Email is a daily activity for most sales reps. But did you know that only 9 percent of sales emails are even opened? Your potential customers are receiving a flood of generic emails every day.

Your emails need to stand out among the crowd. From prospecting to closing, we’ve created a sales email template for every sales stages — all templates include engaging subject lines, an interesting body, and personalisation to help you attract and retain more customers.

Note: We used a fictional company name for each email — Better Bookkeeping Software — but you can adapt to your own company name and messaging.

1. Get a prospect’s attention

Prospecting emails are your first shot at making a good impression on a potential customer. Send emails that interest the reader at first glance starting with the subject line. Write it as a question or include the subject’s first name — make it personal and inviting.

Cold email template

Subject Line: Available for a chat?

Hi [Contact First Name],

Love what you guys are doing at [Prospect’s Business]! With all of the startups you work with, do you need assistance with [Pain Point]? With tools like Better Bookkeeping Software, you can easily organise and track customer payment info, even on the go.

Would you be available for a 15-minute chat this week?

Thank you for your time,
[Your Name]
Better Bookkeeping Software, Sales Representative

When to use it: Use this sales email template when you’ve received an email address through gated content, marketing, etc. Indicate that you’ve done your homework and have an idea of what the company’s needs are — bonus if you include a link at the end that proves your worth such as an impressive video or press release (e.g., “Better Bookkeeping improves XX Company’s efficiency with revolutionary software”).

Introductory email template

Subject Line: Free Trial of Bookkeeping Software

Hi [Contact First Name],

I noticed your question on [Social Media Platform] about the best bookkeeping software and thought I would reach out. Investing in the right bookkeeping software is important for startups like yours and requires [list out something like requirement criteria].

Better Bookkeeping Software offers a free trial that gives insight into your current payment operations. Please let me know if you would like to give it a try!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

When to use it: The prospect is asking questions online that pertain to your product/service such as on Quora and LinkedIn groups. Or maybe you found the prospect on a site like AngelList. Either way, this template is great if your company offers a free trial of your product/service. It gives the prospect the opportunity to try your offering, no strings attached. No free trial? Ask the prospect if you can set up a demo time instead.

Warm email template

Subject Line: Nice meeting you, [Prospect Name]

Hi [Contact First Name],

It was great chatting with you on [Day]! Based on our conversation on/at [information on where you met such as an event or social media platform], I wanted to reach out and share a bit more information about Better Bookkeeping Software’s offerings and how it can help your company with [XYZ].

Our platform is an excellent tool for startups like yours because of features like these:

Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3

Would you be available for a 15-minute call this week to discuss how Better Bookkeeping can help [Prospect Company Name]?

Thank you,
[Your Name]

When to use it: A warm email should be sent when you’ve already had an interaction with the prospect at an event or on social media. Send as quickly as possible, so your interaction is still fresh on their minds. If you received their contact info via a referral or mutual connection, adjust the first sentence as needed and the subject line to read something like “[Referral] suggested I contact you.”

Prospect follow-up email template

Subject Line: X blog posts about [Pain Point]

Hi [Contact First Name],

I wanted to share these blog posts that I believe would be really helpful for [insert prospect pain point such as digital invoices].

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4

If you have a minute to check these posts out, I think the info gives great direction on [topics listed in the blog posts]. Let me know what you think.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template when you haven’t received a response to your previous emails. Provide related resources or answers to common industry questions so that you’re perceived as helpful while building rapport with the prospect.

2. Prove that your product/service is the best

Now that the potential customer is interested in your product/service and they’ve been properly qualified, it’s time to offer proof that your product/service is right for them. Send emails that establish your company’s credibility.

Social proof email template

Subject Line: Want to save X% in efficiency costs?

Hello [Prospect Name],

Thanks for taking the time to chat. We’re really excited at the prospect of working with you. As promised, here are some examples of work we’ve done for other customers:

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

As you can see from other customers’ success, I believe that Better Bookkeeping can help your company succeed with [Pain Point].

Let me know what questions you have. I’ll follow up by [Insert Date].

[Your Name]

When to use it: Show the product’s/service’s effectiveness (e.g., videos, testimonials, case studies, blog links) and how it has worked for others. Work with marketing on these materials and weave interesting narratives. If you don’t have case studies, source raw data from departments like product success. For example, is the time-to-payment increased with your bookkeeping software?

These types of emails are especially important to convince decision makers — the ones who will be signing on the dotted line to complete the sale. Be sure to include a compelling CTA at the end of the email to push the prospect to the next step.

3. Explain why your product/service is worth the price

Ah, time to discuss terms and prices. From past interactions, the prospect should already have an idea of what your product/service is going to cost. Now it’s time to cover specific offerings based on their needs. Maybe you can offer a special discount or bonus. These conversations should also happen over the phone or in person, but it’s good to have your offer in writing.

Proposal email template 1

Subject Line: Better Bookkeeping Features + Proposal

Hi [Contact Name],

As promised, here is the info on pricing/packaging to meet [Prospect Company Name]‘s needs. Your software package would include:


Let me know what you think. Next steps would be:

Getting started on the paperwork
Speaking with [Prospect Manager]
Onboarding [Company Name]

I’ll plan to follow up in a few days.

[Your Name]

When to use it: Send after the potential customer has expressed serious interest in your product/service and you’ve casually discussed terms. Ask the potential customer if you can clarify anything or if they have any questions. Emphasise the benefits of your product/service and the value the prospect would receive for the price.

4. Seal the deal with persuasive language

You’ve presented all of the information and answered the prospects’ questions. They are close to either purchasing your product/service or going with a competitor. Give them an email offer they can’t refuse.

Closing email template 1

Subject Line: Ready to improve [Pain Point]?

Hi [Prospect Name],

I’m excited that you’re considering Better Bookkeeping Software for [Prospect Company Name]‘s bookkeeping needs! As mentioned, I believe that our software will improve your company’s payment efficiency. For the price of X, [Prospect Company] will receive [List of Benefits].

If there is any more information I can provide or questions I can answer, please let me know. Next steps would be signing the contract and then working with our customer success team to get your clients’ payment information integrated with our software.

[Your Name]

When to use it: Your email message should focus on the benefits that your product/service will bring this specific customer and what it will cost them. It should be short, personal, and summarise information you’ve already shared. Your CTA is also important here — let the prospect know exactly what needs to happen next. The ball is then in their court.

Closing email template 2

Subject Line: [Prospect Name], following up

Hi [Prospect Name],

I haven’t heard from you, so I wanted to follow up. Is [Company Name] still in need of bookkeeping software? Let me know if there are any concerns you have or questions I can answer.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this sales email template if you haven’t received a response to your previous email. The prospect is either getting cold feet or just forgot to follow up. Don’t be pesky, but try to stay on their radar.

5. Continue the relationship via email

Even if you won the deal, don’t stop sending emails. Customer engagement emails are crucial to customer retention and upsell opportunities. Work closely with marketing to align your email messages.

Welcome email template

Subject Line: Welcome to Better Bookkeeping Software!

Hi [Customer Name],

Excited that your company is now using Better Bookkeeping! I’ve CC’d [Customer Success Name] on this email to help you with onboarding, but I’m still here to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Here are a few resources to help you get oriented with our software:

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3

Contact me anytime via email. We look forward to helping [Company Name] with [main function of your product/service].

[Your Name]

When to use it: Send after the deal has been closed. Let the customer know you’re excited that they’ve purchased the product/service. Also, offer your support and convey to the customer that you’re not just handing them off to the customer success department — you’re still there to nurture the relationship.

Resource email template

Subject Line: X blog posts to assist with [Customer Problem]

Hello [Customer Name],

Hope that you’re doing well! My team member Ryan was sharing that you’ve been having difficulty with [Pain Point]. In addition to the software help he provided, I wanted to share a few blog posts related to this topic that would be helpful for [Customer Company Name].

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3

Let me know if I can answer any questions about these resources or our product in general.

[Your Name]

When to use it: Show the customer that you’re invested in their success and send these types of emails periodically. Offer content such as blog posts that help customers use your product/service to its full potential (ask marketing for material if needed). Follow customers’ interactions with customer service through your CRM if you need ideas on what to send.

These emails also don’t have to be about using your product/service. Include information that helps with the customer’s industry needs (e.g., templates or checklists). Prove that you care about their needs.

Re-connect email template 1

Subject Line: New feature to solve XYZ

Hi [Contact Name],

It’s been awhile since we last chatted…how is everything going at [Prospect Company Name]? Based on our last conversation about [Topic], I think [Your Company Name Feature] could really boost [Prospect Company Name]‘s bookkeeping abilities.

I’d love to provide you with more details. Would you be available for a quick chat or demo this week?

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Re-connect email template 2

Subject Line: Can I help with [Pain Point]?

Hi [Contact Name],

I want to reach out and ask how everything is going at [Prospect Company Name]? How is your current bookkeeping solution working out for you?

We’ve recently added some new features to our software that I believe would be really helpful for [Prospect Pain Point]. If you would be interested in a quick chat or demo this week, please let me know or if there are any other ways we can help [Prospect Company Name].

[Your Name]

When to use it: You lost the deal — maybe the prospect decided they didn’t need your service after all or their budget was too low. Or maybe they went with a competitor. Don’t be discouraged. Keep track of the prospect by following them on social media and through press releases. Send another email at a later date (e.g., if they went with a competitor, check back when their subscription is almost up). The prospect already knows who you are — keep your relationship on a good note.

Customise each sales email template

To make your sales email process as easy as possible, use a CRM to automatically send and track email responses through an integration such as Mailchimp. Then, use marketing automation integrations to perform A/B testing and see which subject lines have the highest open rate or response rate. You can also use these same integrations to determine the best times for sending emails to your prospects.

To avoid being a Generic Jane or Jerry with sales emails, customise each template above before sending. No matter what sales stage you or your sales team are in, ensure that your emails to potential and current customers are personal and valuable. Stay away from industry jargon. Emails should be as customer-centric as possible and prove that you care about the customer relationship.

This post originally ran on the sales blog. Please visit if you’d like to learn more about Zendesk Sell and our email analysis and productivity tools.

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