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Deliver better customer and employee experience with Zendesk and Amazon AppFlow

We’re excited to announce that Amazon AppFlow now allows teams to create bi-directional data flows with Zendesk for a smarter customer and employee experience.

By David Hall, Product Manager

Last updated July 14, 2022

In a world where the only constant is change, providing more personalised and efficient support for both your customers and employees is vital. But many companies are still learning how to leverage their data and draw insights for creating this kind of next generation experience.

Connecting the data dots for better CX and EX

Zendesk’s CX Trends Report 2021 revealed that while 75% of customers expect personalisation, less than half of agents can access context to better assist customers. Customer data is often scattered across an increasing number of siloed systems, so many agents have to toggle between different tools, software and spreadsheets to reference the information they need or can’t find it at all. Sharing data between those applications is essential for building customer insights and automating workflows. In fact, 91% of CIOs say how companies handle and use customer data is as important as their product and service offering, according to a KPMG CIO survey. When businesses connect the data dots across the organisation, they can start delivering the personalised and efficient experience customers expect.

This also matters for your employees — your internal customers. Over the past year, employees have seen a lot of change: many have started working remotely and have had to learn new tools or processes, while internal support teams have had to carry heavier workloads. For these reasons, investment in internal help desks is forecast to double post-COVID, according to our Trends Report. And in an increasingly distributed world, unifying data across internal systems for HR, IT and more is essential to creating seamless internal support experience when employees interact with your help desk.

Eliminating data silos with Amazon AppFlow

Transferring data between applications and services can be a challenge. Customised integrations are often time consuming and expensive and, when data requirements change, developers have to make complex modifications. In an ever-evolving business environment where companies must be agile, manual integration isn’t always efficient or even feasible.

Amazon AppFlow enables companies to quickly and safely transfer data between Zendesk, AWS and the other SaaS applications across their organisation in a few clicks — without coding. And we’re excited to announce that AppFlow now allows teams to create bi-directional data flows with Zendesk at an enterprise scale.

With the combined capabilities of AppFlow and Zendesk, businesses can:

  • Sync user data across systems
    Teams can easily create integrations to unify user data from multiple SaaS apps in Zendesk and get a 360-degree customer view. With insight into customer activity across applications, agents gain access to real-time context to personalise conversations. A unified view also goes a long way towards improving efficiency — agents can do their whole job in one tool, without having to toggle between several.
  • Create tickets in Zendesk based multi-app workflows
    Create tickets programmatically based on workflows that span applications. For example, AppFlow can be used to streamline onboarding of new employees, creating new user accounts and tickets for different onboarding tasks in Zendesk based on a repository of users in Amazon S3. Zendesk admins, regardless of technical skill level, can now easily build these integrations.

Ready to get started?

The most successful companies are ahead of the curve when it comes to leveraging their data: on average, high performing mid-sized businesses manage 40% more customer data and high performing enterprise teams manage 35% more data, meaning more efficient agents and better personalised CX. AppFlow and Zendesk help businesses seamlessly unify their data for better customer and employee experience. Learn more about using AppFlow with Zendesk.