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Omnichannel support made easy with Zendesk

There’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to omnichannel success. Instead, your business must tailor an omnichannel support solution to fit the needs and preferences of your customers—which begins by selecting the right channel mix.

If you haven’t yet tested a particular channel, it can be hard to know whether it’s going to work for your customers and your business. That’s why this guide exists. Use it to design a seamless channel strategy by taking these factors into consideration:

  • Complexity and type of customer questions you most often receive

  • Convenience of finding support

  • Context, when it comes to where in the journey customers generally reach out for help

  • Cost of offering one channel over another in the short and long term, and which channels may help you achieve specific business goals

This guide also provides an introduction to the Zendesk family of products and what you can accomplish using our seamless, integrated omnichannel solutions. Our goal is to help you meet your customers wherever they are and continue the conversation.

Download the guide to learn more about providing omnichannel support with Zendesk.

Omnichannel support made easy with Zendesk