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Four key principles for evolving the employee experience

While many companies are looking ahead to re-envision how physical offices will function, remote work is here to stay. Here's how to evolve your employees’ experience in the ever-changing next normal

Last updated November 5, 2020

A year ago, most of us could have confidently defined workplace. But now the only sure thing is uncertainty. While many companies are hard at work re-envisioning how physical offices will function, remote work is here to stay. According to recent Gartner research, 48% of employees will work remotely after the pandemic, compared to 30% pre-pandemic.

Everyone is trying to work out what the employee experience looks like when working from home is such a significant facet of the next normal. Resilience and agility are definitely more important than ever. For HR leaders, identifying and preparing for a shift in operations and strategic goals is mission critical. When HR leaders respond efficiently, they can have a major role in framing the employee experience at their companies as an industry standard.

Four major guideposts will help HR leaders actively evolve their companies’ employee experience in the ever-changing – and highly remote – next normal:

  • Drive productivity via access to knowledge

  • Cultivate cross-team collaboration

  • Overcommunicate – and find new communications channels

  • Automate essential workflows

Learn more about how Zendesk’s internal help desk can help you improve the remote employee experience

employee experience