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Charting a course to digital transformation in the passenger transport industry

Meet passengers where they are and get them to where they're going with modern, intelligent CX.

The passenger transport industry has been slow to modernise its digital infrastructure, resulting in frustrating experiences for crews, support staff and passengers alike.

The disparate, outdated systems of the past simply can’t keep up with the more innovative tools that have entered the market in the last 10 to 15 years. With more modern and flexible solutions, you can integrate old systems with newer ones and start charting a course to digital transformation.

Consumers are prioritising travel after several years of staying close to home, and this is an opportunity for passenger transport companies to wow customers with better experiences. Millennials and Gen Z are likely to dominate travel spending in the coming years and they have higher expectations for technology – so digital transformation will be critical to building loyalty.

Download our free guide for recommendations on where to focus your digital transformation efforts to have the greatest impact:

  • Talk to customers on the digital channels they prefer and unlock 24/7 self-service for more immediate passenger assistance.

  • Integrate apps like GDS (e.g. Sabre, Amadeus, Travelport), Polar, Versonix, e-commerce platforms, loyalty programmes and baggage systems for faster, more personalised experiences across channels.

  • Leverage AI and business process automation so you can scale to support more passengers while keeping operational costs in check.

Charting a course for digital transformation

Learn more about modern CX strategies and best practice for airlines, cruise companies and rail services.

Wooden train set pieces arranged and connected with various pieces