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Guides and ebooks 1 min read

Optimise your self-service with the right metrics

Analytics work hand in hand with your self-service, providing the data you need to build better experiences for both customers and agents. Real-time data about which content is being used—where, when and by whom—helps you identify where the team is knocking it over the boundary, as well as opportunities for improvement.

It’s a two-fold process: having the data in hand, and then using it to drive your self-service decision-making. In this downloadable guide, we’ll go over how to:

  • Analyse common requests and identify where AI can help

  • Identify the most-linked articles to drive organisational process change

  • Keep a close eye on search results—especially those that don’t return answers

  • Increase CSAT or meet SLAs more with data and info from the knowledge base

  • Track agent engagement and make it easier for everyone to contribute

Optimise your self-service with the right metrics