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Free service ticket templates for your help desk team

Use IT ticketing templates to deflect repetitive questions and keep customers up to date on the status of their support requests.

What is an IT ticketing template?

Last updated July 15, 2024

Service ticket templates are a great way to keep customers and employees in the loop without taking help desk agents away from their important work. Your tech team can use templates to reply to users faster, or you can incorporate them into an automated system that sends stock responses via email.

Whether you’re running an internal help desk that assists staff or an external help desk that supports customers, agents will likely need to take different approaches and customise messaging depending on the unique situations they find themselves in.

An IT service ticket template generally refers to a form that tech teams can use to collect information about their users’ support requests. If they need to send a follow-up message, they can use a stock response or help desk response template.

In this article, we’ll share several ticket response email templates that you can copy and paste into your system, best practice and answers to some ticketing FAQs.

Support ticket response templates

A ticket response template, or stock response, is a pre-written message for a specific scenario that can be sent by an agent or using macros, triggers, and automations.

Now that you’re familiar with service forms, we’ll share 30 ticket response email templates that you can use to get your replies right. Just remember that you may need to tweak them based on your business’s needs.

Here are examples of the support ticket response templates you can use in various scenarios:

1. Support request acknowledgment template

When someone reaches out to your business’s help desk for technical support, you should always let them know that you received their support ticket and are working hard to resolve the issue. This can help prevent confusion and frustration.

Hi [Name],

Thanks for contacting the [Department Name] at [Company Name].

We value your time and will ensure that one of our experienced agents reaches out to you within 24 hours.

In the meantime, feel free to check out our help centre [insert link to help centre] if you haven’t already. This is a great place to find answers to some common questions if you’re on a time crunch.

2. OOO message template

You can automate IT ticketing to notify customers when your team is away from the office and when they can expect a reply. An OOO message also allows businesses to direct users to help centre resources, deflecting inbound tickets and providing a better CX.

Hello, and thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, our representatives are out of the office at the moment for [state a reason].

Our typical operating hours are:

  • [Day]: [time range]
  • [Day]: [time range][Day]

  • [Day]: [time range][Day]

  • [Day]: [time range][Day]

  • [Day]: [time range]

If you need a quick fix, please check out our knowledge base articles on the subject. You can find those here [link to knowledge base].

Otherwise, an agent will be in touch first thing on [date]. Thank you so much for your patience.

3. Support ticket follow-up template

Use a follow-up help desk template to inform customers that someone is working on their request and to allow the agent to gather additional information.

Hi, my name is [First Name] and I’m the help desk agent working on your service request.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing some technical difficulties, but rest assured, I’m working hard to resolve this situation for you.

However, before I can do that, I need to collect a bit more information from you to [briefly explain the situation]. Can you please provide the following information?

  • [Question/information request]
  • [Question/information request]
  • [Question/information request]

4. Support ticket receipt template

Use a service desk ticket template to confirm that you received a customer’s support request and provide a ticket ID number so they can check in on the status of their case.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for reaching out to [Company Name].

We’ve received your support request, and a member of our team will be in contact with you shortly.

Your ticket ID is: [number]

Please keep this handy, as your support specialist may need to reference it. If you have any other questions in the meantime, feel free to shoot us a message by replying to this email or using our chatbot.

5. Template for a status update

Be transparent with customers and ensure they can always see the most up-to-date information regarding their IT support ticket. If your agents need more time than what your SLA agreement states, notify customers as soon as possible and provide a new resolution ETA.

Hello [Customer Name],

Just sending you a quick update on the status of the support request you filed on [date].

[Let the customer know if there are any delays.]

You can expect a resolution by [date] and we will follow up with any next steps.

Thank you so much for your patience.

6. On-hold ticket template

Customers may seek support and then get busy or forget to reply. Fortunately, you can use a quick IT support ticket template to follow up and see if they still need help. If they don’t respond, you can generally close the conversation until they get back to you.

Hello [Customer Name],

Haven’t heard from you in a while. Do you still need help resolving support ticket number [number]?

If we don’t hear back from you by [date], we’ll assume that you no longer need assistance or that you pressed pause on this priority.

If you still require technical assistance, you can reply to this message at any time to reopen the ticket.

7. Ticket resolution template

Here’s a help desk ticket example showing how you can tell a customer that you resolved their ticket. Whenever you close out a ticket, let the person know and provide information on necessary next steps.

Hello [Name],

Your support request (ticket ID: [number]) has been resolved and we’re closing out your ticket. Please reply to this message if you have any other questions or concerns.

8. General agent assignment template

When a customer submits a service request, you can reply with an automated email to alert them once an agent accepts it.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for contacting [Business Name].

An agent has been assigned to your case and will contact you shortly.

To check the status of your ticket, please feel free to log in to our customer portal here: [link]

9. Assigned agent follow-up template

Send a quick message that connects customers with the agent resolving their support ticket and that allows the agent to request additional information about their issue.

Hello [Customer Name],

My name is [First Name] and I am the agent assigned to your case. Based on the information you provided, it sounds like you’re having trouble with [recap issue].

Before I look into this further, can you please provide the following:

  • [Request]
  • [Request]
  • [Request]

10. Template to update customers about slower turnaround time

Don’t leave anyone hanging! Keep customers and employees in the loop when you’re experiencing delays.

Hello [Customer Name],

Just want to let you know that we haven’t forgotten about you.

Since your support request is a bit more complex, the turnaround time is longer than normal.

Rest assured, we’re pouring all of our resources into this and will get back to you with an update ASAP.

11. Error apology template

When a customer struggles to resolve an error because you failed to catch it, apologise immediately and explain your plans for fixing it.

Hello [Customer Name],

We sincerely apologise for [state the error]. We’re doing everything in our power to rectify the situation and will take steps internally to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Thank you for your patience.

Our team will provide you with an update as soon as we have one.

12. Template for company-wide outages

Unexpected outages can create a lot of stress for customers and may even cause them to lose faith in your company. That’s why you should alert customers as soon as you notice a problem, apologise for it and tell them when they can expect a resolution.


We’re experiencing a company-wide [state the issue]. Our IT team is hard at work resolving the issue, and we hope to be up and running by [date and/or time].

We will update you when we know more and let you know if we experience any delays.

13. Tech solution follow-up template

Often, businesses will end communication as soon as they resolve the customer’s issue, but this is a missed opportunity to enhance the customer experience. Send a quick follow-up to ensure everything is working well and offer a direct line for assistance if additional problems arise.

Hello [Customer Name],

We recently touched base about [support request] for ticket ID: [number]. Just checking in to see how things are going and to ask if you have any questions. If you need to chat, simply send a reply on this thread.

We also wanted to give you a chance to provide feedback about your experience. We value you and will take your feedback into consideration as we look for ways to improve our service.

To submit your feedback, click this link: [link]

14. Template to reply to positive survey feedback

Show your appreciation whenever a customer takes time out of their busy day to write a review or participate in a survey. If they submit positive feedback, you can send them a quick thank you and tell them you’re happy they enjoyed their experience with you. As a bonus, you can also offer them a reward for their loyalty to your business.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for the positive feedback. We love hearing that our agents are taking good care of our customers and delivering brilliant experiences.

Customer satisfaction is always a top priority at [Business Name].

(Optional): To show our gratitude, we would like to offer you [explain the reward you’re offering].

15. Template to follow up on negative survey feedback

Negative feedback can sometimes feel like a blow, but it’s important information that allows you to create a better business and provide great customer service in the future. Be receptive to all feedback, apologise for unsatisfactory experiences and do what you can to do right by the customer.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us about your experience. We’re sorry it was less than satisfactory and we consider this an excellent learning opportunity for us.

Our team is 100% dedicated to providing each of our customers with an exemplary experience and we want to make this situation right for you.

That’s why we will [briefly describe the solution]. We would also like to [provide a benefit such as a discount code].

16. Template to route users to a self-service knowledge base article

Sometimes customers can fix a problem and they just don’t know it. When a customer is struggling with a simple issue, send them easy-to-follow self-service instructions so they can attempt to resolve it themselves. If they can, it will save some of your agents’ time. If not, you can always connect them with an agent later.

Hello [Customer Name],

We have some great news for you.

The fix for your problem is fairly straightforward and you can use our help centre resources to do it yourself, instead of waiting for an agent.

You can find step-by-step instructions here: [link]

If you’re still experiencing technical difficulties, please reply to this email with any additional questions or call our customer service line on [phone number].

17. Password reset request response template

Password resets are a common request for any technical support help desk and it’s an easy task to automate. When you receive a reset request, use a quick email template to explain the next steps.

Hello [First Name],

We received your request to update your [Business Name] account password. So, let’s get started.

All you have to do is [provide next steps].

If you didn’t submit a password reset request, please ignore this message.

18. Password has been reset message template

Once a user resets their password, let them know with an automated message.

Hello [First Name],

Your password has been reset and you’re good to go. Please wait [time frame] to ensure it is active.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

19. Template to notify users of technical issues

Inform customers when one of your products isn’t functioning properly so they can adjust. When you update customers early, you can also reduce the number of support tickets you receive and prevent customers from becoming angry.

Hello [Customer Name],

We’re sending this message to inform you that our [System Name] is experiencing technical issues. Our specialists are working hard on a resolution and we expect to be up and running again by [predicted time].

20. Ticket escalation notice template

Even with intelligent routing that sends customers to the best agent for the job, sometimes it’ll still take someone else with more experience to solve a problem. When this happens, fill the customer in on your progress and brief them about the ticket escalation so they know you’re taking their problem seriously.

Hello [Customer Name],

Due to the complexity of your request, we’re escalating this issue. Our [job title], [First Name], will contact you shortly to provide an update.

Thank you for your patience.


21. Template for update announcement

Keep customers and employees current on company-related updates and events to ensure everyone has the information they need to make the most of your product.

Hello [First Name],

We’re executing [state what you’re implementing] to [state reason]. This change will go into effect on [date].

You can learn more about this update here: [link]

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

22. Business hours update email template

If your team is away for a holiday or company training, or if it’s just past your hours of operation, let customers know when they can reach out for support by creating an automated business hours email.


Sorry, we missed you.

Our offices are closed. The [Company Name] help desk will reopen on [Day] at [time]. Here is a complete list of our operating hours:

  • [Day]: [time range][Day]
  • [Day]: [time range][Day]

  • [Day]: [time range][Day]

  • [Day]: [time range][Day]

  • [Day]: [time range][Day]

23. Employee survey reply template

Employee engagement surveys are key to the growth of any business. So when an employee participates, show your gratitude with a quick thank you note and tell them how you intend to implement their suggestions.

Hello [Employee Name],

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to share feedback with us.

We’re committed to providing reliable support to employees and your feedback will help us create a better experience for all.

24. Access request response template

If a user requests access to a file or system, ensure they know how to access it, update their permissions and describe how to create a new password.

Hello [First Name],

We’ve updated your permissions, and you can now access the [state the resource they’re accessing] here: [link]

If you need to update your username or password, you can do so by following these steps.

  • [Step]
  • [Step]
  • [Step]
  • [Step]

25. Response template for employee resignation

If an employee is leaving your company, you will need to inform them of equipment turn-in deadlines, system access removal and other important technical items. When they resign, send an email outlining all of this information and ask them if they have any questions.

Hello [Employee Name],

We’re so sorry to hear that you’re leaving. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put in during your time with us. In preparation for your last day, we need to run through a few technical items.

First, you will lose system access starting on [date]. If you need anything from your computer, please move it to an external device before then.

If you have a company device, we will provide you with a free shipping label and a return-by date shortly.

[Include any additional information].

Please let us know if there’s anything else you need from us to make this transition easier.

26. We’re troubleshooting it template

If you need to troubleshoot an issue and don’t have an immediate answer, let the customer know when they can expect a resolution. Here’s an IT support ticket example for what to do in this scenario.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for getting in touch with [Company Name]. Our tech support team has reviewed your service request and is troubleshooting [restate the customer’s problem].

Our turnaround time is [time to resolution], so you can expect an update by [date]. Please let us know if you have any questions.

27. Template with widget installation instructions

If your company offers an app, you may need to help your customers install widgets from time to time. Because this is a standard and fairly straightforward process, simply send an automated message explaining the steps they should take.

Hello [Customer Name],

Welcome to [Company Name]. To get started with our mobile application, download it from [Marketplace Name]. Once that’s done, follow the steps listed below to add our widget to your mobile device’s home screen.

  • [Step]
  • [Step]
  • [Step]
  • [Step]

If you run into any issues, please contact our IT help desk on: [preferred communication channel].

28. File upload template

Typically, a file upload is an easy process. However, if you need to request more information, you can do so with a file upload template.

Hello [First Name],

We received your IT support request and it sounds like you’re having trouble uploading a file. I’m happy to help you with that.

I just need some additional context to fully understand the problem you’re experiencing. Can you tell me more about [clarifying question]?

29. Malware removal response template

Help desk agents frequently assist employees and customers with malware-related tech issues. This is usually a simple process and you can walk the person through it in a few steps.

Hello [First Name],

Thank you for contacting the [Business Name] IT help desk. I read the trouble ticket you submitted and understand that you need assistance removing malware. Here are the steps you need to take to ensure your device is clean:

  • [Step]
  • [Step]
  • [Step]
  • [Step]

If you’re still having trouble, I can also try to remove the malware remotely. Please let me know if you need any more assistance.

30. Your payment has been made template

Whether a customer makes a one-off payment or sets up a direct debit, it’s best practice to inform them when you’re taking money out of their account. If funds are automatically withdrawn, you can send a reminder a few days beforehand.

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for making a payment. The payment will go through by [date] and your receipt is attached below.

Best practice for using IT help desk ticket software and templates

If your organisation is new to help desk ticketing systems, IT ticketing forms and response templates, follow this best practice for a seamless transition.

  • Update form fields: Ensure you customise form fields based on your business’s needs and offerings to give your agents all of the essential contextual information. This will also reduce the need for follow-ups, which can be time-consuming even with the benefit of a template. It can simplify issue tracking too.
  • Set up an autoresponder: Notify your customers when someone is working on their issue without slowing down your tech specialists.
  • Monitor SLA compliance: A service-level agreement, or SLA, is a contract that outlines all expectations between you and your customers – including response and resolution deadlines. Set up your ticketing system to manage your SLAs and avoid contract breaches.
  • Customise response templates: Teach your customer service agents how to tweak templates while staying aligned with your company’s voice and tone. Customisation creates better conversational experiences and helps agents get down to the crux of the issue faster.

How to use the Zendesk IT ticket templates

Zendesk comes with a series of prebuilt forms for:

  • Ticket submissions within employee or client portals
  • Help desk articles

Collect customer information with ticket forms

Ticket forms can gather vital contextual information for agents based on the user’s question. Once your automated ticketing system receives a trouble ticket, it can intelligently route the support request to the best agent for the job based on their skills and knowledge.

Help agents deflect inbound support requests

Zendesk also has powerful AI that can suggest help centre articles that match the customer’s question to deflect tickets.

You can use help desk article templates to answer frequently asked questions too. This allows agents to duplicate existing templates and carry over the pre-approved post structure, making it easier for them to create fresh knowledge base resources.

Frequently asked questions about using an IT service ticket template

The HTML used in Zendesk is contained in editable templates that define the layout of each page type, as well as the global header and footer. That means you will be able to change the template of the document head, the header and footer that appear on all help centre pages, ticketing system home page and more. The full-featured templating language named Curlybars will allow you to access help centre data and manipulate the content in page templates, and special templates let you add JavaScript or change the site’s CSS.

Use macros to prepare your response

Macros are ready-to-go responses that help desk agents can use when they open or update the status of a support request.

Help your agents resolve technical issues faster by providing standard responses – aka stock replies – to common questions and situations.

Macros can streamline messaging by:

  • Adding comment text
  • Updating ticket fields
  • Adding attachments to ticket comments
  • Starting side conversations

And on a side note, if you are looking for sales email templates, we also have some recommendations for you.

Try our built-in service templates with the Zendesk ticketing system

Discover how you can use the Zendesk ticketing system to perfect your customer service process. With several ready-to-go templates and robust ticket management features, you’ll have everything you need to impress your customers. Sign up for your free trial today and see for yourself.

Learn how you can make Zendesk work for your organisation