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SnapFulfil achieves 99.1% customer satisfaction with self-service and analytics from Zendesk

SnapFulfil achieves 99.1% customer satisfaction with self-service and analytics from Zendesk

We are excited about continuing to work with Zendesk to bring leading-edge services and features to our customers. We look forward to seeing how customer service grows in the future”

– Philip Wright

Service Desk Team Leader at SnapFulfil


Customer Since


Overall CSAT




Decline in Ticket numbers

From beautiful furniture by The Cotswold Company, through to household electronics firms such as Vax and Suzuki, SnapFulfil ensures everything in the warehouses of its customers runs smoothly.

Imagine a drinks brand not being able to deliver the right stock for Christmas to hundreds of retailers due to an issue in its warehouse facilities, or perishable items being spoiled due to delays in transportation. Issues such as these could result in chaos, reputational damage and losses amounting to millions of pounds. Providing a speedy and accurate response to customers around logistics and supply chain operations is critical. This is why SnapFulfil, a cloud-based warehouse management system designed and built by Synergy Logistics, chose Zendesk to help streamline its customer service operations.

Since its conception, SnapFulfil has managed to build a strong client base across the world, with customers in the UK, Europe and North America.

Ensuring continuity throughout the customer journey

Currently, SnapFulfil uses Zendesk Support, Guide and Chat, enabling it to provide multi-channel customer support across email. The most recent addition, Chat, has proved popular with customers and consistently achieved a 100% customer satisfaction score since going live mid-2018.

“Making phone calls wasn’t the most convenient way for our customers to contact us due to the noisy environment and limited reception in most warehouses,” explained Philip Wright, Service Desk Team Leader at SnapFulfil.

“Live Chat has given us a new and exciting support channel that is less disruptive and equally efficient as phone calls. And because it’s integrated, customers can engage with us via Chat, follow up later on the phone or Help Centre portal. Ensuring continuity throughout the customer journey enables us to deliver the very best support we can, while ultimately ensuring our customers’ warehouses run as efficiently as possible”.

SnapFulfil is also offering flexible support options through Zendesk, including 24/7 support and different service level agreements (SLAs), to ensure customer service is tailored to the business model of each customer. Having all SLAs embedded within Zendesk enables Phil’s team to build schedules faster and track responses to customer enquiries to ensure the service each customer receives is in line with their SLA. In the last year, the SnapFulfil Service Desk hasn’t breached a single SLA.

Driving efficiency with self-service

As the SnapFulfil Service Desk Team was receiving tickets about common queries, it has greatly benefited from Zendesk’s self-service capabilities within its Help Centre.

“Any ticket that is categorised as a common question goes through an internal review and, if appropriate, is included in the customer Q&A section of our knowledge base. We also encourage our customers to vote on articles, this helps us to continuously learn what they find helpful and improve the content in the most customer-friendly way,” said Phil.

Phil’s team can also see what articles customers looked at before they raised a ticket, enabling a better understanding of the customer journey but also ensures they don’t refer a customer to a piece of content they’ve already read.

Since the expansion of the self-service capabilities, the company has seen an 8% decline in the number of new tickets despite a 25% increase in the number of customers. Moreover, the SnapFulfil benchmarking figures from 2018 were higher than the average scores for Customer Satisfaction and Average First Response Time scores for the industry.

Driving integration and customisation across the business

Thanks to the flexibility and interoperability of the technology, the integration of Zendesk with some of SnapFulfil’s business applications has helped streamline customer-facing operations across the business and improve work efficiency.

“We maintain links between our digital marketing platform Hubspot and Zendesk to ensure a consistent flow of information between our Customer Service Desk and our marketing teams. The flexibility of the technology allows us to customise the software to meet our needs and respond better to the needs of our customers,” commented Phil.

Sharing knowledge and targeted communication

Thanks to Zendesk, SnapFulfil’s customers can now track the status of their tickets and update them in real-time.

“With Zendesk, customers are able to see not only their own tickets but any ticket raised by other people within their organisation. This allows the warehouse supervisors, managers, warehouse directors and project leads to see what each of their colleagues have raised to get a better view of any questions they are asking. This is invaluable in a 24/7 warehouse operation because it enables easier collaboration between colleagues,” explained Phil.

SnapFulfil was also able to expand on Zendesk Guide by customising the content shared with each customer. This level of customisation allows SnapFulfil to share targeted messages or promotions to specific customers and even to customise the ticket submission forms in order to personalise the customer experience.

Using data analytics to improve business decision making

“We report on a weekly basis on the type of issues customers are raising, on team performance and we also track how new services and features are performing. For instance, when we introduced Live Chat we saw a drop in the number of calls we were receiving. Similarly, when we expanded our self-service knowledge base, we saw a decrease in the number of new tickets. We can also send ticket data to our customers so that they know what tickets their warehouse managers and supervisors are raising,” explained Phil.

The key KPIs provided by Zendesk are also reported to the SnapFulfil chairman and board of directors on a weekly basis to inform key business decisions. As the data is being collected and analysed in near real-time, Phil has created a digital wall on the customer service floor, which displays real-time metrics powered by Zendesk.

This data has helped SnapFulfil streamline customer support operations, while providing more tailored services to its customers and improving decision making across the business.


The results so far have been impressive. Currently SnapFulfil’s CSAT score is 98% and its chat satisfaction rate is 100% positive, resulting in a combined CSAT score of 99.1%.

“Delivering a great customer experience is paramount for us, so we are continuously striving to enhance our capabilities to ensure our customer service is the best it can be. Moving forward, we are planning to advance our self-service capabilities even further by embracing AI within our Help Centre. We are also looking to build a community of customers so they can discuss their experiences and share ideas through our Help Centre.”