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Real estate CRM helps you sell more, better

Learn how CRM can help improve your customer service processes and discover real-world examples of where they've been successful

Last updated February 21, 2024

Customer relationships are the foundations of any successful real estate agency.
But communicating with clients, tracking leads, and organising house viewings all at the same time can feel like a herculean task. Real estate CRM software can help improve every aspect of your estate agency–from handling incoming requests and creating quotes to selling houses and managing properties.

CRM systems help get your house in order. What’s more, CRM pays back more than eight dollars for every dollar spent. Sound exciting? Let’s take a closer look


Why do real estate agents need CRM software?

Real estate is all about building trust. And that means great CRM. Maintaining relationships and providing excellent customer service are both vital to success.

Fortunately, CRM tools make it a whole lot easier by streamlining sales processes and customer interactions. With all the information your agents need right at their fingertips, customer experiences improve significantly.

CRM tools help you:

  • Manage relationships between buyers, sellers, agents, etc.
  • Keep track of clients, properties, leads, and transactions
  • Find new leads and market to them more effectively
  • Collect information about buyer needs and preferences

  • Match leads to suitable properties based on their interests
  • Keep up with the expectations of homebuyers and sellers

Buying and selling are ultimately both long processes that involve lots of follow-ups and renegotiations. But the right CRM software helps you stay organised and efficient by giving you the right tools, e.g. scheduling, email and text messaging, pipeline monitoring, lead follow-up tools, web forms, and click-to-call features.

Real estate CRMs are end-to-end solutions for real estate agencies. They help you close deals, build meaningful relationships, and further your business goals. Not to mention, saving time, money, and a lot of headaches.

How to get the most out of your real estate CRM

CRM systems make your life easier. Sadly, lots of real estate agencies don’t take full advantage of everything their CRM has to offer.

But don’t worry–here are some great tips on the house:

Organise customer data. Real estate is a competitive market, which means lots of leads and lots of data. Fortunately, a CRM can help keep everything organised, secure, and easy to access. Respond to enquiries quickly. Your CRM software should make it fast and easy to reply to new requests. No more digging around your inbox. Make sure your workflows are making the best use of your CRM. Track your leads. CRM tools store information about your leads, so you can easily keep track of who you need to follow up with and when. Make sure to input new leads as soon as you get them and update existing leads regularly. Visualise your sales pipeline. You can define stages, e.g. pitched, viewing, negotiation, etc. to see where each lead is in your sales funnel. This makes it easy to give each prospect the attention they deserve. Prioritise your leads. A CRM system can help you classify your leads and focus on the ones more likely to actually buy or sell. Lead qualification ensures you’re using your resources efficiently. Follow up with prospects. Leads often need nurturing before they become customers, so regular follow-up is essential. Use your CRM to schedule emails and phone calls. By staying in touch, you’re much more likely to convert prospects into clients. Coordinate appointments and viewings. A real estate CRM can help you keep track of both, so you can make sure you’re always where you need to be. Don’t forget to enter all the relevant information into your CRM, e.g. property address, appointment time, etc. Keep track of important dates and tasks. You can also use your real estate CRM to keep track of other important information and tasks, from listing deadlines to contract expiration dates and follow-up tasks for completed transactions. A CRM keeps all this information in one place and provides reminders, so you can work at your best. Keep in contact with past clients. This is a big part of relationship management and essential for referrals–which as we all know are an excellent source of leads. Use your CRM to celebrate things like move-in anniversaries and improve customer satisfaction. Automate, automate, automate. Make full use of your real estate CRM’s automation features, e.g. to follow up promptly with automatic emails or send documents to new tenants automatically after closing a sale–don’t let anything fall through the cracks.

CRM Case study : Redfin

If you’re looking for a real estate CRM, Zendesk is a great option. It has all the features real estate agents need, from contact management and lead tracking to transaction management and more. It’s also easy to use and intuitive so you can get going in no time.

But actions speak louder than words so let’s look at an example of a real estate company that used Zendesk to transform its CRM.

Redfin real estate brokerage

Redfin is a technology-powered real estate brokerage in the U.S. that pays its agents based on customer satisfaction, not commission. Before Zendesk, Redfin would respond to requests via email. This made it difficult to track tickets as they were handed between different departments. And the situation only got worse as the company grew, with the team finding itself bogged down.

Redfin decided to implement Zendesk Support, which allowed the company to set up a dedicated customer service team. Just three months later, this team was handling 94% all incoming requests. Redfin redefined its real-estate experience by using Zendesk to improve both transparency and efficiency.

"Zendesk Support meant we had a very clear path, without any bottlenecks, from the bottom to the top of our organisation." - Mac Jonson, IT Help Desk Manager at Redfin

Read the full customer story here

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