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Coffee Break:
How to scale with self-service

Available On-Demand


Grab a warm cup of coffee and join us for our next episode in our Coffee Break series! In this series our experts share how you can get the most out of your Zendesk product. During this session we’ll share big bets your companies should prioritise now. Hint: It’s all about self service.

Companies are rapidly adding digital tools to help them scale their operations and better serve customers. Those who prioritised CX before the pandemic already have an advantage. Mature CX organisations are more than six times as likely to exceed customer retention goals.

Investing in your customers pays off, but what to prioritise can be a little tricky. To help guide the way, our team of experts reviewed data from businesses using Zendesk worldwide. Here are the priorities for delivering winning CX:

  • Makes things easier for the customer

  • Support your support team

  • Keep your business in sync

We’ll dive into the best practices for each priority.

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Kristina Kennyphoto

Kristina Kenny

SMB Account Managers,

Colm Keenanphoto

Colm Keenan

SMB Account Managers,